I took a test on day 14, like the Dr. told me, and sure enough...we are pregnant. I can't believe it worked the first time around. My husband, of course, is standing a little taller. So you know that first response commercial where the lady says your body knows your pregnant before you do.... I couldn't agree more. If I wasn't pregnant I probably would have lost 20 lbs b/c nothing sounds good right now. My husband asked what I wanted for dinner last night and I said cereal. Nothing ever sounds good. I definitely am not having any cravings. So I am 7 weeks and due on March 17, 2012....St. Patrick's Day. That will be one lucky kid. We went to the Dr. last week and had an ultrasound. I didn't think I would get teary...until I saw the heartbeat. I can't believe it has a heartbeat.
There is a lot to think about. I am trying to make sure I am not just avoiding the bad foods but eating the good foods. Which is hard when I don't want to eat at all. I start back at school in a week. The good thing is I will only have 3 weeks left of my first trimester so once things start rolling is hopefully when I will actually be able to start enjoying this pregnancy.
We have decided we are not going to find out the sex...which makes things very hard for a planner like me, but...that will probably be a good thing. Boy or girl we just want a happy healthy baby.
I joined The Bump which has a weekly tracker. The little guy is the size of a blueberry right now.